
The ProBoards Scraper Database command line tool pbd can be used to perform simple queries on the database generated from scraping the site via the pbs command line tool.


usage: pbd [-h] [-d <path>]
(--board [board_id] | --user [user_id] | --thread [thread_id])

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d <path>, --database <path>
                        Path to database file; default ./site/forum.db
  --board [board_id], -b [board_id]
                        Board id; if omitted, list all boards
  --user [user_id], -u [user_id]
                        User id; if omitted, list all users
  --thread [thread_id], -t [thread_id]
                        Thread id; if omitted, list all threads

Optional arguments

  • -d/--database: Path to the SQLite database file (./site/forum.db by default). See the --output option of pbs for more on writing the site files to a different directory.

  • -b/--board: If this option is selected without providing a board id, a list of all boards is printed. If a board id is provided, information about the given board, including a list of all its threads, is printed.

  • -u/--user: If this option is selected without providing a user id, a list of all users is printed. If a user id is provided, information about the given user is printed.

  • -t/--thread: If this option is selected without providing a thread id, a list of all threads on the forum is printed. If a thread id is provided, information about the given thread, including a list of all its posts, is printed.


One of --board, --user, or --thread is required.


Display a list of all boards

Sample command:

pbd -b

Sample output:

1: Media
2: Announcements
3: Lounge
4: Writer's Room

Display information about a specific board

Sample command:

pbd -b 3

Sample output:

{'category_id': 1,
 'description': 'A place to talk about anything',
 'id': 3,
 'moderators': ['SnakeShake', 'Tom'],
 'name': 'Lounge',
 'num_threads': 4,
 'parent_id': None,
 'password_protected': None,
 'posts': 50,
 'sub_boards': [1],
 'threads': [{'num_posts': 2, 'thread_id': 1, 'title': 'Welcome!'},
             {'num_posts': 31, 'thread_id': 5, 'title': 'Hobbies'},
             {'num_posts': 3, 'thread_id': 6, 'title': 'Favorite sports'},
             {'num_posts': 4, 'thread_id': 8, 'title': 'Podcasts'}],
 'url': 'https://yoursite.proboards.com/board/3/lounge'}

Display a list of all users

Sample command:

pbd -u

Sample output:

-2: bob
-1: guest1
1: SnakeShake
2: Tom
3: patrick_jane


Guests receive negative user ids in the database. Refer to proboards_scraper.database.Database.insert_guest() for more information.

Display information about a specific user

Sample command:

pbd -u 1

Sample output:

{'age': 30,
 'avatar': {'filename': '5adac452f7eedc7e1abcec513750a139.jpg',
            'url': 'http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v10/snake/vegeta.jpg'},
 'birthdate': 'January 1, 1991',
 'date_registered': 1090902497000,
 'email': 'snake@snakemail.com',
 'gender': 'Male',
 'group': 'Administrator',
 'id': 1,
 'instant_messengers': 'AIM:snak3_p1i55k3n',
 'last_online': 1625547390000,
 'latest_status': '',
 'location': 'LA',
 'name': 'SnakeShake',
 'post_count': 250,
 'signature': None,
 'url': 'https://yoursite.proboards.com/user/1',
 'username': 'snakep123',
 'website': None,
 'website_url': None}

Display a list of all threads

Sample command:

pbd -t

Sample output:

['1: Welcome!',
 '2: worst tv show',
 '3: ABC game',
 '4: Short story practice',
 '5: Hobbies',
 '6: Favorite sports',
 '7: Forum Rules',
 '8: Podcasts']

Display all posts in a specific thread

Sample command:

pbd -t 2

Sample output:

{'announcement': False,
 'board_id': 1,
 'id': 2,
 'locked': False,
 'posts': [{'date': 1089681705000,
            'edit_user_id': None,
            'id': 402,
            'last_edited': None,
            'message': "What's the worst TV show? IMO it's the bachelor",
            'thread_id': 2,
            'url': 'https://yoursite.proboards.com/post/12',
            'user_id': 1},
           {'date': 1089697194000,
            'edit_user_id': None,
            'id': 403,
            'last_edited': None,
            'message': 'No way, I love the bachelor!',
            'thread_id': 2,
            'url': 'https://yoursite.proboards.com/post/13',
            'user_id': 3},
 'sticky': False,
 'title': 'worst tv show',
 'url': 'https://yoursite.proboards.com/thread/2/worst-tv-show',
 'user_id': 1,
 'views': 310}